Monday, 27 June 2011

Times New Viking - No Room To Live

My new favourite genre of the second is lo-fi.  Times New Viking is the genre's king (and queen).  One of my first rcrdlbl finds, "No Room To Live" still reigns as one of my favourite songs.  Ever.  Currently battling its way back onto my Top 25 Most Played.

In two minutes and twenty-one seconds, vocalist Beth Murphy's indie sound mixed with a keyboard, the quiet tapping of a drum and the constant strumming of a guitar gives you something you've never heard before.  Yes, this is the epitome of lo-fi.  I recommend looking up the lyrics to follow along, my personal favourite being: I'm awake and you are tired, they were smoke and we were fire.

It's indie, but for those who listen to more mainstream indie, it's something new.  It comes from a strange world where people make music for the sake of making music, and where people still record their songs onto cassette tapes.  Before you know it, "No Room To Live" is over as quickly as it has begun, but you will want to listen to it again.  And again.  And if you're like me, another thirty times, but not all in a row.  Don't ruin lo-fi for yourself.  I'll be bringing you more.

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