Wednesday, 3 August 2011

OperaBabes - Lakme

Just to be clear, "Lakme" should have an accent on the letter E, but even though I've been using computers for my entire life, I have yet to learn the keyboard shortcuts to create letters with accents and umlauts and whatnot.  My grade school French teacher was right about me...

Anyways, one genre I've failed to showcase thus far is opera.  Sure, it may me synonymous with your grandmother, but the OperaBabes are a little more modern than anything she's listening to in her sitting room right now during a card game with "the girls."  The result of two English sopranos coming together to make the music that they loved; I first heard about them back in the early-to-mid 2000's when opera had a slight surge in popularity.  I didn't get to sample their album until about two months ago, and looking for one track to grab my interest, I found "Lakme", a short version of "The Flower Duet", the complete selection also appearing on the album, but not like this.

It begins like a normal opera song.  Violins....then it gets interesting.  The strings are complimented by fuzzy beats in the background and what sounds like the occasional scratch of a record.  Sure, they're singing like traditional opera singers the whole time, but that background music keeps things both interesting and modern.  The original "Lakme" is what you'd listen to in some kind of wondrous bathing room; this version is what you'd listen to during a wondrous party in the grand room down the hall.

So why don't you give opera a chance this one time?  Recently, I've been seeing another slight surge in the genre's popularity, and here's hoping the OperaBabes finally give us a third album.

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