Saturday, 3 September 2011

Protest The Hero - I Am Dmitri Karamazov And The World Is My Father

I am Laura and this is my favourite song.

Once in a while, a selection from a year, maybe two years ago creeps back onto my radar.  Lately, it's been a stellar song from the one and only Protest the Hero; from their EP A Calculated Use Of Sound, specifically.  I think that this EP rivals all of their full-length albums in epicness and amazement.  They sounded a bit like this in the full-length debut, Kezia, but since then, they've evolved into a more theatrical hardcore.  While what they do now is still wondrous, nonetheless, I sometimes miss the way they preformed in songs like "These Colours Don't Run," "Red Stars Over The Battle Of The Cowshed," and, today's feature...."I Am Dmitri Karamazov And The World Is My Father."

What sets this particular song apart from the rest, besides the longer-than-average title?  It is a combination of a strange melody, unlike one you've ever heard before, a voice like no other courtesy of Mr. Rody Walker, and lyrical genius.  I have a penchant for a lead singer who you desperately want to understand, yet can't.  When Mr. Walker spits out words, I find myself leaning closer to the speakers on my laptop in order to try catching each syllable.  And the lyrics?  Well, you can get me started on their beauty, but I'd go on for a while.  Some of my favourites in the history of lyrical music grace the ending of both this song, as well as this posting...

And though I didn't kill you
Like you tried to do to me
I am just as guilty

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