Monday, 14 November 2011

Elliott Smith - Last Call

Now, Mr. Elliott Smith was the king of the acoustic guitar.  No, king of the guitar in general., acoustic guitar.  And if you think that it's someone else, I will probably call you a dirty liar.  Though he might not be with us any longer, he lives on in the beautiful songs he left behind.  Oh, he was a tortured soul, but he damn well knew how to write and perform music.  I have several tracks of his that I enjoy listening to, though the favourite that keeps coming onto itunes during shuffle is "Last Call" from his release Roman Candle.  This is why he will always live on in music.

"Last Call" has that wondrous bare-minimum quality I love in music, as well as lyrics that you'll remember long after the song has ended.  You're a jaywalker and you just, just walk away.  And it's all that you do.  Yes, I am a jaywalker, but I don't want to walk away from this song.  Mr. Smith gave us a gift in his mastery of the singer-songwriter genre.  What can we do to thank him?  Listen.  And enjoy.

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