Thursday, 29 December 2011

The Dear Hunter - We've Got A Score To Settle

Who is The Dear Hunter?  They are a group of young men from Rhode Island who dabble in the art of alt-y rock that you probably wouldn't want to call alternative.  Think of The Dear Hunter as modern classic rock.  And let me say this before you get so far in that you can't get back out...the vocals are ahhh-mazing and the guitars are nothing short of perfect.  You will die.  So, how did this group worm their way into my head?  Through the stellar track "We've Got A Score To Settle."

Someone's got blood on their hands.

What is "We've Got A Score To Settle?"  Rock with feeling to it.  Rock unlike any other rock you've ever heard before.  Part of being a good musical act is keeping things fresh and unique, and The Dear Hunter does exactly that.  "We've Got A Score To Settle" will be so different from anything you've heard before that it'll immediately stick.  I'm in love with the lyrics too: forget about truth and consequence, we've got a way to deal with it.  Someone might have blood on their hands, but The Dear Hunter has something magical here.  Miss it at your own risk.

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