Friday, 20 January 2012

Jesca Hoop - Feast Of The Heart

And now, for something completely guys have heard of Metric, right?  Well, how about we take lead singer Emily Haines, and throw her into a pit with the great PJ Harvey and have Tom Waits preside over the festivities (Jesca worked as the nanny for his kids, you know).  What you get is not-so-indie rocker Jesca Hoop.  I hear Metric when I listen to her songs, but it sounds more like a darker Metric.  Case in point?  "Feast of the Heart," which has that darker PJ Harvey-esque rock to it.

The guitars in "Feast of the Heart" are mysterious, almost as mysterious as Miss Hoop's vocals.  This is how girls were meant to rock all along.  Offering: there's a light switch, baby, you turn it on, don't you ever leave me here in the dark in a verse that twangs with electro (it's me), there's an atmospheric element to the song that you can't ignore.  You don't want to ignore this.  I'd be interested in hearing a remix of "Feast of the Heart" if it exists...which it has the potential for a good dance number to come out of it.  Versatility is the spice of life, after all.  I am a bit envious of Jesca, though, I'll admit.  Is Tom Waits looking for a new nanny?

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