Thursday, 9 February 2012

Tetrafusion - Cloudless

Last week I was elated for Tetrafusion's new EP, Horizons to be released online....and for free.  It's the perfect present for the band to give to their favourite cheap Canadian fan, though I would have donated if I could.  I like that the EP isn't exactly like Altered State.  It's a little heavier and a little more experimental, but all in a good way.  They didn't pull a Linkin Park and slaughter a release after an amazing one (ahem, ahem...A Thousand Suns...ahem).  Of the eight songs on the EP, I already have a few favourites, perhaps my favourite of those being "Cloudless."  You're not hearing any Tool influences here.  This is all Tetrafusion.

Even in the first second of guitars, you know this will be unlike any Tetrafusion song you've ever heard (I assume you've heard a lot, naturally).  The first verse is spoken, an interesting choice that lets the guitar riffs shine while giving "Cloudless" that atmospheric feeling.  But don't fret, the vocals come in with a vengeance, and I love it. 

What gives you the right to take life away?
In the dawning of our darkest hour
Who says what's right?

Do me a favour and get your hand on this now.  NOW.

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