Saturday, 9 July 2011

Evergreen Terrace - Hopelessly Hopeless

Wandering away from the world of rap and whatnot, I bring you Evergreen Terrace.  No, not that one.  The band.  They're from Florida, and they fall into metalcore category.  Now, these guys are good.  A more melodic Dead and Divine, I'd say.  Though their 2007 release "Wolfbiker" remains high on the list of my favourite albums, the most recent "Almost Home" is nearly as stellar with high notes throughout the recording.  Specifically speaking, "Hopelessly Hopeless" is the song that reaches out and grabs you by the collar of your shirt until you're listening to what can only be described as melodic hardcore.

Evergreen Terrace is good at offering guitars bordering on being thrash and interlacing throat vocals with ones that can be called "clean", though are gritty and rough enough to steer clear of the post-hardcore genre.  The chorus acts as the repeating climax and lyrical highpoint of the song with I can't believe that you pulled me under, capsized in seas and I never understood are we all we are? 

"Hopelessly Hopeless" is the song that would get the crowd going at a concert.  You're picturing it now, aren't you?  I'm anxious to see what they'll do next, even if they're not recording anything now.  Dear Evergreen Terrace, your namesake has existed for more than 20 years.  How about you do too?  Sincerely, everyone.

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