Friday, 29 July 2011

Foster The People - Miss You

FTH has put indie back on the map.  Their "Pumped Up Kicks" might be the best song I've heard in 2011 so far, but after sampling their album Torches, I found other gems that have been seemingly hidden from the world.  Amongst them, "Miss You."  It isn't the indie you know.  In fact, it's the indie you least suspect.  Foster The People has a unique sound that doesn't repeat in any of their songs, and with this track, they give you the result of indie spending a fun night on the town with electronica.

With a fuzzy throb in the background, a cheery-sounding first reels you in before pulling a 180 flip.  The chorus, repeating I really miss you, miss you... slows to a grinding halt with melancholy vocals that evoke the title two words.  This is what someone should sound like when they're missing you.  The chorus makes it so "Miss You" isn't a one-note song.  Sure, the electricity of the verses is fine, but this makes it entirely something else; something that hasn't been done before.  After all, there is a little moment in the fact that you can be snapping along to the verses and have to stop when the light tap of the keyboard takes over.

There are literally hundreds of bands that manage to sneak into the charts only to take a treacherous fall back down.  It happens, but it's best avoided through being unique.  I hope that Foster The People keep it up with being different; it's doing wonderful things for them.

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