Sunday 7 April 2013

Billy Talent - Fallen Leaves

I approach Billy Talent differently now than I did back in the eleventh grade, when I bought Billet Talent II at the grocery store one afternoon.  Back then, they were brilliant.  Now, their old stuff is still brilliant, but I consider them more of guilty pleasure band.  I'm into harder metal more than alternative now, but it doesn't hurt to inject some nostalgia into your life.  The band's second album was their best, in my opinion, and while it's hard to pick just one song, "Fallen Leaves" had to get a feature.

I think the point of "Fallen Leaves" is to be an infectious-yet-dark alternative song.  At least, that's how I see it.  The guitar work has got it locked down, and don't tell Mr. Dickinson, but Ben Kowalewicz's vocals may be some of my favourite ever.  He's got something unique about his vocal chords, and tracks like "Fallen Leaves" really show off the finesse he has.  The bridge is my favourite part, and it's been a long time that I left my best friends, or did they just leave me? has been stuck in my head.

I may have grown out of some bands I enjoyed in high school, but for now, I hope that older Billy Talent work doesn't fall victim to the same fate.  Their debut?  Decent.  Third album?  No.  Fourth? Meh.  I'm never letting the second fall out of my sight.

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