Tuesday 18 December 2012

Caspian - Some Are White Light

Some people have it set that they can't enjoy music without lyrics.  That's all fine and dandy for them, but missing out on good shit is something I never condone.  When it comes to instrumental music, you probably think of all things electronic, and of course, the classical genre.  What about rock without words?  And even better, what about lush rock confined to the instruments?  You end up with Caspian, a band without a lead singer, but you won't miss it.

"Some Are White Light" is five and a half minutes of lush guitar work, carefully crafted for a nice, rich sound.  This is like the score to a good slice-of-life movie, rising to a lovely climax, as it should do.  I think the introduction of lyrics would only bring this beautiful piece of art down.  There's merit in being able to tell a story with sound, and without words.  Caspian does it, and that's why they're in my good graces. 

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