Friday 18 January 2013

Avenged Sevefold - Lips of Deceit

So here's the whole story: my brother likes to borrow things from his best friend.  CDs, movies, video games, you name it.  He was on his way to her house one day and asked if he should steal anything.  I replied with, "Oh, a good collection of CDs."  He returned home later that day with a bag containing her entire collection of music.  Thus, that is the story of how I got so much Megadeth and Marilyn Manson on my laptop.  She also had Avenged Sevenfold's debut album, Sounding the Seventh Trumpet.  I'm a sometimes-fan of theirs, mostly from their self-titled days, but I've still got the bulk of their recordings in my possession.  I figured there was no harm in seeing what they'd been up to back then, and was surprised when I found metalcore.  Huh.  Seems like that's what they were up to before they got into their brand of alternative metal.

"Lips of Deceit" stood out to me because it has elements of their newer songs that I like, and the accompanying metalcore vocals really ice the cake.  The guitar work is strong, and that clean-rough mix of vocals shows some good contrast.  This is my kind of metalcore.  The rest of the album is so-so, which is to say it's good they've moved on from this stage of their career, but "Lips of Deceit" shows that there's a reason we experiment.  Good things happen sometimes.  I'll still take "Almost Easy" over everything, but I give props to the band for this.  It is possible for them to pull off metalcore.  Bring back harsh vocals, A7X!

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