Wednesday 14 November 2012

The Ke$ha Konundrum

Let's get a little more in-depth today, shall we?  My history with the artist known as Ke$ha is minimal, as I like to put it.  I'll fully admit to paying money for her debut album, Animal, and somehow enjoyed it in the throes of being a teenager.  Have I lost you yet?  No?  Good. 

My one issue with Ke$ha is that she's a manufactured pop star, someone that seems to have been pulled off of the streets and handed a sheet of music that's already been prepared for her and told to sing.  Hell, they gave her the image of the sleazy, glitter-clogged gutter angel that she's seemed to have embraced.  I also can't condone her heavy use of autotune when it should only be reserved for use on one album (808s & Heartbreak, sorry).  Does she have real talent?  It's possible. 

So why are we here?  I downloaded her new "Die Young" a few days ago, just to see how she was doing musically.  Unfortunately, I seemed to enjoy the single.  I really enjoyed it.  Earbuds in, my facial expression can only be described by one emoticon. D:

I can set her autotune aside, and I can ignore the lyrics about getting smashed if it means looking at "Die Young" a little closer.  Despite it being November, the song pulses with the beats of summer.  It's where girls get the titles of their albums on Facebook.  Like we're gonna die young... <3  This was their goal after the song was released at the end of September.  Get them while it's starting to get cold.  But "Die Young" got me.  It could have been the catchy beat, a string of lyrics I've enjoyed (I can hear your heart beat to the beat of the drum, oh what a shame, you came here with someone), or the fact that I enjoy music I can dance to while doing chores around the apartment.  Does this make me one of those girls that freaks out when a Top 40 hit comes on the radio, screaming this is my song?

No.  It just makes me someone that finds enjoyment in music, no matter the artist or genre.  This is the point of my post today.  There is no one artist, or one genre for that matter, that rises over the others.  You can't simply enjoy one side of the dodecagon.  That'd be like only reading the first chapter of a book.  Maybe it took Ke$ha, that sloppy gutter angel, to prove that there are no confines to enjoying music.  Perhaps the new proverb should be, don't judge a song by its artist.  Who knows, maybe one day Ke$ha will drop the autotune, brush her hair, and give me a reason to by a future album.

Oh, and here's "Die Young."


  1. Honestly I think I'd like Ke$ha a little more if she looked like she'd taken a bath once in a while. :\

    1. Her image is definitely another bit I grapple with, though I guess it somewhat suits her subject matter of choice :p
