Saturday 8 September 2012

One Last Show - Flobots

I'm all for a blend of genres.  You know that, I know that...everyone knows that.  But can it be done with anything, for instance: hip-hop and alt-indie?  That's the feel I get from Denver's Flobots, a five-piece complete with emcees and some strings.  Could potential for greatness ever be greater?  No.  Flobots have the formula for success and deliver.  They've got a new album out, rife with greatness, but I quite like "One Last Show."

"One Last Show" combines a lot into the four minutes it runs, including raps, guitars, viola arrangements, and whatever else you might think of (with some limits).  It's catchy to say the very least, and you're going to get one last show for the lonely souls stuck in your head before you can realize what's happening.  Flobots prove that there are hidden gems scattered throughout the music industry; looking for them is half the fun.

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