Friday 10 May 2013

Billy Talent - Saint Veronika

Okay, so it's still considered recent that I posted "Fallen Leaves" not too long ago.  Oh well, it's my blog, and after revisiting that shred of my past, I sort of fell back in love with Billy Talent.  I even took a look at the third album, just to see if I found anything salvageable.  I found that I was proven wrong.

I first came across "Saint Veronika" years ago, when the music video received some airplay of Much Music.  Warning: it creeped the hell out of me back then, and still does.  You've been warned.  Video aside, there's something different about "Saint Veronika" compared to the band's earlier work, but it still offers something refreshing, even if that something is a little dark and twisted.  I like songs that are doomed to end badly, so sue me, and "Saint Veronika" is just that.  Lead singer Ben still swings with vocal prowess, and the band behind him brings the words to life with impressive guitar and percussion work. 

If I've learned anything from this, it's that we grow out of most of our fears.  Most.

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