Wednesday 15 May 2013

The Fray - Vienna

I hope that everyone still remembers The Fray.  They're not as prominent as they were in their How To Save A Life days, but if you heard that title track, you'll have a hard time forgetting them.  I'm actually a fan of the rest of the album.  I find the tracks very poignant and artistic, and their work is nothing like the other piano-driven pop bands that I dislike (ahem...Coldplay...).  "Dead Wrong," "Hundred" and "Little House" are some of the standouts, but "Vienna" holds a special place in my heart.  For realsies.

"Vienna" isn't a literal powerhouse track, but a sleeper hit.  The piano is a little more delicate, and the lyrics are a little sadder.  There's really no way to reach me, 'cause I'm already gone.  It tells the tale of a couple separated by distance, though there's hope that one day, perhaps years from now, they will be reunited.  It'd be easy to get cliché here, but The Fray keeps it cool.  They keep it good, and that's what makes "Vienna" an all-time favourite song of mine.

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