Wednesday 10 October 2012

Skeletonwitch - Within My Blood

Last year, around this time if I'm not mistaken, I first got into Athens, Ohio thrashers Skeletonwitch, after missing their descending upon the homely city of Kitchener.  Sad face.  Y I no get into things sooner?  But it's okay.  It always is.  Flash forward to now.  My Christmas-excited roommates have prompted me to think about what I want this year, and it now includes each and every Skeletonwitch album.  I've just gotten more into their unique thrash-black-shredding-guitars genre.  Blame Youtube.

Today's "Within My Blood" comes from their first studio album, At One With The Shadows.  Sure, it's from all the way back in 2004, but who cares?  Certainly not my twelve-year-old-self, who back in 2004 was just getting into Alexisonfire.  I've saved the best music for when I'm ready to appreciate it, and "Within My Blood" is worth appreciating.  The guitars aren't too heavy, and just thrash enough, and overall, the song is surprisingly catchy.  Well, catchy if you like this kind of stuff to catch onto you.  Why shouldn't it?  There are worse things you could catch than thrash fever.

Can I escape what is within my blood?

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