Friday 21 March 2014

Iwrestledabearonce - Firebees

Day two of metal leans towards the metalcore side, which is not bad.  People who have a vendetta against metalcore are just trying to fit in with the crowd.  But don't worry, because Iwrestledabearonce also favors experimental metal in their music, so it's nothing like the metalcore you thought you knew earlier.  "Firebees" is from their last album, Late For Nothing, which means that it's with new lead singer Courtney LaPlante, and it's not the same as "Boat Paddle."  Oh, it's definitely something else.

"Firebees" is gritty, that's for sure.  It doesn't have the lush and easy feeling of "Boat Paddle," but if you're coming here for experimental metal, you're going to get it now.  The instrumental work is phenomenal, and LaPlante's vocals may be metalcore, but it's good.  Real good.  Her growling is perfect for this genre, and though her clean vocals may not be as strong, it works with the song, and it makes the chorus have this lovely mysterious atmosphere to it.  As a whole, "Firebees" works, and I suppose this means I'll have to complete the rest of Late For Nothing now.

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